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Reviews & Awards

Professional Reviews

The book addresses four stages in readers' spiritual lives - unbelief, belief, commitment, and discipleship - employing clear prose buttressed by copious Scriptural citations to outline the core beliefs of Christianity.


These include the nature of the Trinity, the character of Jesus as both teacher and Messiah, and the precepts of Christian tolerance, charity, and self-denial; give to the poor, help the downtrodden, sublimate one's wants to the needs of others, etc.


The entire gamut of Christian subjects is covered in satisfying detail, with pertinent biblical quotations assembled on such topics as hell, angels, Satan, the mechanics of prayer, the afterlife, original sin, the personality of God, and the specific teachings of the church ... 


In the ambition, sweep, and comprehensiveness ..., Christians should find a gold mine of useful information and synthesis, with plenty of textual references to track down.


A spirited and comprehensive overview of the scriptural foundations of Christianity."


Kirkus Reviews ( 7/11/2016):
"A detailed guidebook examines modern Christian faith and practice. Goulder-Frick intends her nonfiction debut to be both an introduction to the concepts and implementations of Christianity for newcomers to the faith and a reference tool for established believers."
24th Annual Writers Digest Awards:
"Author has created a comprehensive guide to so many facets of Christianity; her mastery of Scripture and exceptional in-depth exploration of faith topics is impressive. "

We get an authoritative, skilled mindset in an engaging writing style that has been dialed above conversational yet below lecturing, the perfect blend to disseminate so much detailed information.


I was especially impressed with the Knowledge check and Controversial Topics sections that engaged the reader so well, spurring self-questioning to a vast degree, certainly a book that a couple or group could read together for some illuminating conversation.


Historical details are masterfully provided, and I found the origin of church names to be a stellar topic ... 


Excellent job. Author delivers on the promise to educate about Christianity in simpler concepts than we often get.


Excellent resources section providing quotes and parables by Jesus. This book would be a welcome addition to any early faith discoverer eager to learn more about Christianity.


Well done. Very impressive and a terrific pace considering so much historical and educational material."

Reader Reviews -
Must Read! ( 8/3/2016):

"Christianity Made Simple is an excellent book for all readers! The book will assist anyone realize there is only ONE way to attain eternal salvation - that is by confessing that you are a sinner in need of a savior - Jesus Christ - and that you need to invite Him into your heart! If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, please read this book. The book will also help anyone grow in their walk with the Lord! I really enjoyed reading the book and will keep it for future reference and guidance."

Perfect Reference Book ( 10/20/2016):

"Christianity Made Simple is a perfect reference book! I have had it for a couple of months now. It compliments my bible study. When I read over a subject and struggle with the meaning whether it is an emotion, ritual, virtue or an event it is easy to find, explained clearly and followed up with scripture (truth). I will use this book always and highly recommend it to anyone especially new Christians. So glad to have found it!"

Recipient of National Award

Pinnacle Book Achievement

Religion Category - 2016

Awarded by:

National Association

of Book Entrepreneurs


Great Addition to Every Christian's Library! ( 1/23/2017):

"Janette Goulder Frick has written a guide book for new Christians as well as people who have believed in Jesus Christ all of their lives. The book is written without bias, without persuasiveness. It is a factual, in-depth look at the Bible and at the works of God as shown in the Bible. The book is not difficult to read and is very well organized. This book would be a great addition to every Christian's library..."

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